


Stores framework's instantiated object name.



Stores the md5 hash string of framework's instantiated object name.



Stores the access level to the root page.

When sub pages are added and the capability value is not provided, this will be applied.



Stores the tag for the page heading navigation bar.



Stores the tag for the in-page tab navigation bar.



Stores the default page slug.



A two-dimensional array storing registering sub-menu(page) item information with keys of the page slug.



Stores the hidden page slugs.



Stores the registered sub menu pages.

Unlike the above $arrPages that holds the pages to be added, this stores the added pages. This is referred when adding a help section.



Stores the root menu item information for one set root menu item.



Stores in-page tabs.



Stores the default in-page tab.



Stores link text that is scheduled to be embedded in the plugin listing table's description column cell.



Stores link text that is scheduled to be embedded in the plugin listing table's title column cell.



Stores the information to insert into the page footer.



The instantiated class name will be assigned in the constructor if the first parameter is not set.



Stores form sections.



Stores form fields



Stores contextual help tabs.



Set one of the followings: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, text/plain



Decides whether the setting form tag is rendered or not.

This will be enabled when a settings section and a field is added.



Indicates whether the page title should be displayed.



Indicates whether the page heading tabs should be displayed.



Indicates whether the in-page tabs should be displayed.

This sets globally among the script using the framework.



Stores the set administration notices.

The index number will be incremented as a script is enqueued regardless a previously added enqueue item has been removed or not. This is because this index number will be used for the style handle ID which is automatically generated.



Stores the disallowed query keys in the links generated by the main class of the framework.



The default CSS rules for IE loaded in the head tag of the created admin pages.



Represents the structure of the array for enqueuing scripts and styles.



Stores enqueuing script URLs and their criteria.



Stores enqueuing style URLs and their criteria.



Stores the index of enqueued scripts.



Stores the index of enqueued styles.

The index number will be incremented as a script is enqueued regardless a previously added enqueue item has been removed or not. This is because this index number will be used for the script handle ID which is automatically generated.



Stores the main (caller) object.



__construct( $oCaller)




__get( $strName)




isPageAdded( $strPageSlug) : boolean

Checks if the given page slug is one of the pages added by the framework.




boolean —

Returns true if it is of framework's added page; otherwise, false.






sortByOrder( $a,  $b) : integer

Calculates the subtraction of two values with the array key of <em>numOrder</em>

This is used to sort arrays.



